Babygröße und Babygewicht - Lottili

Baby size and baby weight

Baby weight at Lottili

For us at Lottili baby weight is more important than baby size. Because we are often asked when the baby should be in the Baby Hammock can sleep. Consequently, many people naturally also want to know at what age or weight this is no longer advisable. 

In our Baby Hammock babies find a safe place to sleep even as newborns. This is because the Baby Hammock are designed for babies weighing 3 kg or more, so for most children this applies from birth. What's more, the earlier you use the Baby Hammock uses, the better. It is the best place for your baby's restful sleep so that he or she can settle down quickly.

As a general rule, the upper limit for our Baby Hammock is a maximum weight of 12 kg, but it is extremely unlikely that your child will actually sleep in it for that long. As soon as babies turn independently, they should no longer sleep in the Baby Hammock sleep. Most children manage this by the age of 8 months. This means, as you can see from the tables, that this point is usually reached much earlier, before the baby weighs 12 kg.

A boy at 8 months weighs approx. 8,600 g on average (8,800 g according to the RKI), while a girl at this age weighs approx. 7,900 g. (according to the RKI 8,100 g). Almost all children aged 8 months can turn over independently.

To our Baby Hammock


Baby size and weight at birth

Baby weight is not only an integral part of every greeting card or birth email. In fact, baby weight and baby size are important factors that doctors and midwives can use to tell a lot. This is because they regularly check how big and how heavy your baby is during pregnancy.

Babies grow very quickly in the first few months of life. This means that a newborn baby gains around 150 grams of weight per week. After the first birthday, growth and weight gain slow down.  

The weight of newborns

According to studies by the World Health Organization (WHO), the weight of newborns is between 3,300 and 3,500 grams. A baby weight of between 2,800 and 4,200 grams is also considered normal. After birth, your baby will initially lose weight. This is followed by a steady increase. Fluctuations are completely natural and depend on a wide variety of factors.

So don't let them drive you crazy: Every baby develops individually and at its own pace.

As a rule of thumb:
Birth weight doubles within the first six months, while your baby's weight triples by their first birthday.

Weight tables and percentile curves help doctors and you to determine the healthy and individual development of your child.

Baby weight, baby height and percentiles

The term percentile is often used in connection with baby weight and height. These values are the comparative measure for statistical values in the health check. In other words, the percentile curve indicates whether your baby is developing healthily, even if its weight and height deviate from the norm. So even if your child is developing at a completely different pace to the average, the percentile curve shows whether the values are within the statistical range.

The percentile curve is drawn up by the examining doctor during regular examinations. He or she measures the current values (baby weight and height) and uses them to determine whether your child is developing normally. Ideally, the curve should point steadily upwards.

Statistical data for baby weight and height

According to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the average values for your baby's weight are as follows. All data comes from the RKI and is clearly presented here for you.


Age Girl Boys
0 months
3,39 3,53
1 month 4,20 4,49
2 months 5,00 5,43
3 months 5,61 6,13
4 months 6,25 6,84
5 months 6,82 7,45
6 months 7,30 7,96
7 months 7,72 8,40
8 months 8,09 8,79
9 months 8,43 9,15
10 months 8,75 9,47
11 months 9,06 9,76
12 months 9,34 10,03


You can read more about the scientific data from the Robert Koch Institute here:

Average baby weight


What does the percentile curve mean?

The WHO also provides the best illustrative material. The following graphs come from the World Health Organization and serve as reference values for baby weight between the ages of 0 and 2 years. 



(Source: Growth Charts - WHO)

Firstly, you will find the 50th percentile in green in the middle. It represents the average values. All values within the two outer curves are still considered acceptable.
Secondly, if your baby's values are in the lower 3rd percentile, this means that only 3% of children of the same age are lighter. The majority are then heavier. However, if your child's values are in the 97th percentile, the reverse is true: 97% of all children of the same age would then be lighter. 

Constant monitoring of your baby's weight and height is particularly important in the first two years of life. It ensures that your baby is developing healthily. If the values deviate significantly from the curve, experts can also draw conclusions that may indicate nutritional deficits or growth problems. 

Every child is different

So don't be alarmed or unsettled if your baby is not on average. Experience has shown that light children simply catch up with a growth spurt at some point, sooner or later. If your child is heavier than the rest, it will work off the baby fat at the latest when it starts to crawl or walk. So this is also no cause for concern. Your doctors will let you know if something is really wrong. This means that everything else is very individual.

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