Die beliebtesten hawaiianischen Mädchennamen

The most popular Hawaiian girls' names

In this article you will find a extensive list of Hawaiian female baby names. It ranges from traditional Hawaiian girls' names to modern Hawaiian girls' names up to gender-neutral, unisex, Hawaiian first names and the most popular Hawaiian first names for girls of the last 100 years. 

Hawaiian girls' names - you had me at aloha

Hawaii, that one island state where the clichés are present, the beaches are long, the feet are sandy and the surfboards are plentiful. Although many believe that the archipelago is constantly in vacation mode and the only thing that counts is sunshine, many people know Hawaii actually has more diversity, cultural significance and depth than the internet suggests. So one thing is certain: the fiftieth state in the USA is making big waves. And these waves not only carry surfers, but are deeply rooted in the wisdom of their ancestors and are adopted by all Hawaiians today - either with or without a hula skirt.

Pizza Hawaii as an example of this deep cultural meaning? Eat again. Hawaiians may know their way around pots and pans, but the "aloha" culture is particularly evident in the naming. The Hawaiian girls' names are not just letters put together, but pure poetry - with a deep connection to nature, family ancestry and spiritual beliefs. 

Traditional Hawaiian girls' names

With only five vowels and eight consonants, the Hawaiian alphabet seems to lack the foundation for a wide range of names. However, nothing could be further from the truth, as Hawaiian girls' names are actually full of depth and melody - not least because of their meanings. Take a look at the below list of some traditional Hawaiian girls' names below.

Name Bedeutung
KaʻalaDie Freie
KaimanaKraft des Meeres
KehlaniHimmlische Klarheit
LeilaniHimmlische Blume
NalaniDie Himmel
NoelaniHimmlische Nebel

These traditional Hawaiian girls' names sound light as a breeze and deep as the ocean, just like the archipelago itself. If that doesn't give you the inspiration you need for your own little girl or your next vacation, then we don't know what will.

Modern Hawaiian girl names

Speaking of a breeze: Many of today's Hawaiian parents are opting for a classic girls' names with a fresh twist - to combine tradition and trend. The following are examples of modern Hawaiian girls' names and their meanings are listed below.

Name Bedeutung
AlanaErwachen oder Angebot
HaliaErinnerung oder liebevolle Erinnerung
IolanaAufsteigen zu den Himmeln
KailaniMeer und Himmel
KaileaFreude des Meeres
KainaniSchönheit des Meeres
KailaniHimmlisches Meer
KealaDer Weg oder Der Pfad
LeinaLeidenschaft oder Sprungplatz
MeleLied oder Gesang
NoheaHübsch oder Schön
UlulaniInspiration des Himmels

Whether on the playground or riding the waves, these modern Hawaiian girls' names show that old and new are like pineapple juice and coconut water: Better together

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Gender-neutral Hawaiian first names

If there is one place on our planet where meaning plays a major role, it is Hawaii. The first names are therefore chosen according to their respective definitions and not explicitly according to gender. This means that many names are suitable for female, male, unisex and non-binary people. In the following list you will find some gender-neutral Hawaiian names.

Name Bedeutung
AilaniHoher Häuptling
KaiMeer oder Ozean
KalaniDer Himmel oder himmlisch
KeanuDie kühle Brise
LeilaniHimmlische Blume
MālamaPflege oder Schutz
NalaniDer Himmel

Be it progressive, be it practical, the people of Hawaii are definitely making the most of their alphabet. Because at the end of the day, a beautiful sound and a special message are all you need, right? 

Most popular Hawaiian girls' names of the last 100 years

Have you ever wondered what comes out of a century on 137 islands with an area of 28,311 square kilometers? Well, consider the following list of the most popular Hawaiian girls' names of the last 100 years.

Name Bedeutung
AilaniHoher Häuptling
KaiaMeer oder Ozean
KailaniHimmlisches Meer oder Meereshimmel
KehlaniMeer und Himmel
KeonaGottes Geschenk
KianaGöttlich, abgeleitet von Diana
LaniHimmel oder himmlisch
LeilaniHimmlische Blume
MaliaRuhig oder friedlich, abgeleitet von Maria
NalaniDer Himmel

I'm packing my bag and taking with me... Well, for a trip down memory lane in Hawaii, you need to leave plenty of room for nature, tradition and history. Also, don't forget your sunglasses so you can keep track of all these popular Hawaiian girls' names.

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Our top 100 Hawaiian girls' and women's names and their meanings

If you haven't liked any of our Hawaiian girls' and women's names so far, we have 100 more feminine Hawaiian baby names and their meanings for you.

Name Bedeutung
AilaniHoher Häuptling
AlohaLiebe, Mitgefühl
AnuheaKühler, süßer Duft
AolaniHimmlische Wolke
HaliaIn Erinnerung an einen geliebten Menschen
HaukeaWeißer Schnee
HealaniHimmlischer Nebel
HokulaniHimmlischer Stern
IolanaZu fliegen wie ein Falke
KailaniHimmlisches Meer
KalaniDie Himmlische
KalenaDie Reine
KamaileGeliebtes Kind
KameaDie Eine
KanaDie Dunkle
KananiDie Schöne
KapuaDie Blume
KawenaDie Rosige
KealohaDie Geliebte
KeanuKühle Brise
KeilaniHimmlische Blume
KelenaDie Reine
LahainaGrausame Sonne
LanikaiHimmlisches Meer
LeilaniHimmlische Blume
LilinoeFeiner Nebel
LokelaniKleine Rose
LuanaZufrieden, glücklich
MaileDuftende Pflanze
NalaniDie Himmel
NoelaniHimmlischer Nebel
NuiGroß, wichtig
PuananiSchöne Blume
PualaniHimmlische Blume
PuamanaDuftende Bergblume
RoselaniHimmlische Rose
UlulaniHimmlische Inspiration
WaiolaWasser des Lebens
WailanaRuhiges Wasser
Auli'iZierlich, fein
HaunaniSchöner Schnee
HiwalaniHimmlischer Stern
IwalaniHimmlischer Reiher
KahulaDie Tanzende
KaimanaKraft des Meeres
KalamaDie Fackel
KawailaniHimmlisches Wasser
KealaDer Weg
KeaniSanfter Wind
KeiGeliebtes Kind
LanaRuhig wie stilles Wasser
LehuaRote Blüte des Ohia-Baumes
MakananiSchöne Augen
MaluRuhe, Frieden
InoaKeine Bedeutung bekannt

These names often reflect the nature, culture and spirituality of Hawaii and often have beautiful, meaningful translations.

Conclusion on Hawaiian girls' names

Hawaiian girls' names are like the colorful wreath of flowers ("lei" in Hawaiian) you receive as a greeting, embodying the culture of the archipelago: hospitality, acceptance and compassion. Whether the girls' names are a blessing or a tribute to Mother Nature, they are as melodic in sound as the exotic birds of Hawaii.

One of the many clichés about Hawaii is that its inhabitants are constantly in 'vacation mode'. But like every country and state, Hawaii is rapidly evolving, and we at Lottili are excited to see what name changes will find their way to the coast.

Frequently asked questions about Hawaiian girls' names

Here are some more answers to questions you might be interested in on this topic

Which female Hawaiian names are particularly popular with parents?

Ailani - High Chief

Akela - Noble

Halia - In memory of a loved one

Quay - sea

Kailani - Heavenly Sea

Kiana - Divine

Leilani - Heavenly flower

Malia - Maria or calm

Moana - Ocean

Noelani - Heavenly mist

Are there any Hawaiian names that refer to nature?

There are many Hawaiian names that relate to nature and often reflect the beauty and spirituality of the environment. Here are some examples:

Hokulani - means heavenly star

Kai - means sea

Kailani - means heavenly sea

Kaimana - means power of the sea

Kalei - means wreath of flowers

Lani - means heaven

Leilani - means heavenly flower

Moana - means ocean

Mokihana - means "mokihana fruit" and is a symbol for the island of Kauai

Nalu - means wave

Noelani - means heavenly mist

Pua - means flower

These names are deeply rooted in Hawaiian culture and reflect the close connection of the people to nature and their environment.

Which Hawaiian names refer to animals?

There are some Hawaiian names that refer to animals and often reflect the Hawaiian culture's close connection to nature. Here are some examples:

Hoku - means "star", but in an extended sense it can also mean "star fish".

Iolana - means "to fly like a falcon".

Koa - means "brave" or "bold", but can also mean "koa tree", which is often associated with strength and bravery.

Lani - means "sky", but in combination with other words it can also mean "bird of the sky".

Liko - means "bud", but in an extended sense it can also mean "little fish".

Lio - means "horse".

Manu - means "bird".

Nalu - means "wave", but in an extended sense it can also mean "dolphin", as dolphins often play in the waves.

Pua - means "flower", but in combinations such as "puakai" it can also mean "flower fish".

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