Die beliebtesten altdeutschen Mädchennamen

The most popular old German girls' names

In this article you will find a extensive list of old German female first names for babies. It ranges from short Old German girls' names to longer Old German girls' names up to Old German girls' names with a modern twistt and the most popular Old German first names for girls of the last 100 years. 

Old German girls' names - just like grandma's

In a world where we're constantly updating our devices, software and dating apps, there's no place where we can relax and kick back like at Grandma's house. But while technology is advancing faster and faster, something enduring and deeply rooted remains: The names of our grandmothers. 

These classic old German girls' namesthat once appeared in grandma's diary or on her letters are now experiencing a similar comeback to her meatballs and vegetable soup. As the saying goes, the way to the heart is through the stomach, so the revival of these traditional, feminine first names must offer the same as grandma's plate of comfort food: stability and tradition. But that's not all - they also bring a pinch of nostalgia and timeless elegance which are often neglected in a fast-paced online world. 

Short old German girls' names

German history is a long one, and so is the List of old German girls' names. However, these first names themselves can be quite short. So below you'll find a few classic German girls' names and their meanings, but they won't break your tongue.

Name Bedeutung
Anna „Gnade" oder „Anmut"
Elsa „Gott ist meine Eidechse"
Erna „ernst" oder „eifrig"
Greta „Perle" oder „die edle Frau"
Lina „sanft" oder „zart"
Lies Kurzform von „Elisabeth", was „Gott ist mein Eid" bedeutet
Mara „bitter" (auch in der Bedeutung „die Geliebte" bekannt)
Ruth „Freundschaft" oder „Mitgefühl"
Vera „Wahrheit" oder „glaubwürdig"

Short and seemingly simple, these old German girls' names have accompanied generations of women and continue to do so today. It goes to show that traditions never go out of fashion and that vintage is still very much in vogue.

Long old German girls' names

Blame it on the vintage charm, but old German children's names for girls immediately convey a sense of grandeur and elegance. Especially the longer first names listed below give an instant royal feel. Anyone got a crown on them?

Name Bedeutung
Adelheid „von edler Art“ oder „edle Herkunft“
Agnes „reine“ oder „heilige“
Gertrud „starke Speerträgerin“
Irmgard „großer Schutz“
Jutta „die Tochter des Jut“ oder „die aus dem Stamm der Juten“
Mathilde „stark im Kampf“
Richarda „stark und mächtig“
Sibylle „die Prophetin“
Waltraud „starke Herrscherin“

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Old German girls' names with a modern twist

Good things take time - and maybe a little change here and there. In the following list you will find traditional old German girls' names with a modern twist or sound.

  • Brigitte - Gitta
  • Edith 
  • Elsbeth - Elsa
  • Frieda
  • Hildegard - Hilde
  • Clare
  • Liselotte - Lotte
  • Pink

From a sense of tradition to an awareness of trends - choosing an old German girl's name definitely doesn't mean opting for a boring name. After all, both historical depth and modern influences can be found in every coinage. 

Most popular old German girls' names of the last 100 years

Although not all grandmothers live to be 100 years old, many women of several generations over the last century have been named after their grandmother or a name of similar historical value. In the list of names below, you will find the most popular old German girls' names of the last 100 yearsthat have their roots in Germanic.

  • Adelheid
  • Agnes
  • Alice
  • Alma
  • Augusta
  • Anna
  • Berta
  • Bertha
  • Elsbeth
  • Elsa
  • Emma
  • Erika
  • Frieda
  • Friedrike
  • Gertrude
  • Greta
  • Hilda
  • Hilde
  • Hildegard
  • Irmgard
  • Johanna
  • Käthe
  • Clare
  • Louise
  • Lieselotte
  • Margaret
  • Martha
  • Matilda
  • Roswitha
  • Thekla

Timeless, traditional and tasteful are the common denominators of the most popular old German girls' names of the last 100 years listed above. This list of baby names reflects Germany's multi-faceted history while showing that you can always play it safe with an old-school name.

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Another 85 old German girls' and women's names and their meanings

If you haven't liked any of our old German girls' and women's names so far, we've got you covered. 100 more female German children's names and their meanings for you.

Name Bedeutung
AdelgardEdel und Zaun
AdelmaEdle Schutzfrau
AlidaDie Edle
AlmutDie Edle oder Die Schützende
AmalDie Arbeitende
AmaliaDie Tüchtige
AmalieDie Tüchtige
AntjeDie Gnade
BelindaKampf und sanft, weich
BiancaWeiß, glänzend, schön
BrunhildeDie Schützerin im Kampf
CarolaDie Freie
CharlotteDie Freie Frau
DeikeDie Volksherrscherin
EdeltraudDie Edle oder Die Geliebte
EdithDie Kämpferin für das Erbgut
EilaDie Eifrige
EleonorDie Leuchtende
ElisabethMein Gott ist Fülle
ElviraDie Wahrheit oder Die Weiße
EmilieDie Eifrige
EmmelineDie Arbeiterin
ErnestineDie Standhafte
EvkeDie Frau des Hauses
FaraDie Verlockende
FenjaDie Friedliche
FrankaDie Mutige
FranziskaDie Freie
FraukeDie Kleine Frau
FreyaDie Herrin
GesaDie Starke
GiselaKleiner Speer
GislindSpeer und sanft, mild
GundulaDie Kämpferin
HannaDie Gnädige
HeidrunArt und Weise und Geheimnis
HeikeDie Herrscherin
HeleneDie Strahlende
HenrietteDie Herrscherin
HenrikeDie Herrscherin
HillaDie Kämpferin
IdaDie Arbeitende
ImkeDie Große
InaDie Reine
IsoldeDie Schöne
JanaGott ist gnädig
KarlaDie Freie Frau
KarolinaDie Freie Frau
KriemhildMaske, Gespenst
LeniDie Strahlende
LuiseBerühmt und Kampf
MaikeDie Bittere
MargaDie Perle
MarleneDie von Magdala
MerlindeBerühmt und sanft
MildaDie Sanfte
MinnaDie Liebe
NeleDie Strahlende
PaulaDie Kleine
PaulineDie Kleine
RikeDie Mächtige
RosalindeRuhm und sanft
RosamundeRuhm und Schutz
SelmaDie Beschützerin
SiguneDie Siegreiche
SilkeDie Blinde
SveaDie Schwedin
TheaDie Göttin
TheresaDie Jägerin
ThialdaDie Mächtige
TildaDie Kämpferin
UlrikeDie Mächtige
VanadisDie Göttin
ViktoriaDer Sieg
WandaDie Wandalin
WibkeDie Kämpferin
WilhelmineDie Willensstarke
WillaDie Willensstarke
ZitaDie Jungfrau
ZeldaDie Graue Kämpferin
ZiskaDie Freie

Conclusion on old German girls' names

Although progress and improvement, for example in technology, are desirable, some things only become more beautiful when they are left behind. Old German maiden names, which reflect a long history, cultural heritage and sentimental values, are then increasingly found on current birth certificates. 

This appreciation of old charm shows that, in many cases, grandma really does know better. And what better way to honor her than by choosing her old German maiden name for the next generation?

Frequently asked questions about Old German maiden names

Here are some more answers to questions you might be interested in on this topic

Which Old German girls' names have a special significance in German history?

Adele - The name means "of noble stature" and is a short form of Adelheid, which frequently appears in German aristocratic history.

Amalia - Means 'the capable one' and was borne by several German princesses, including Amalia of Prussia.

Berta - Means 'the shining one' and was a common name in medieval German history.

Brunhilde - Known from the Nibelungen saga, stands for "the protector in battle".

Clara - Means "the bright, the radiant" and is known through St. Clare of Assisi, who is also venerated in Germany.

Edith - Means "the protectress of inheritance" and was the name of St. Edith of Wilton, who was venerated in Germany.

Elizabeth - Means "My God is fullness" and is known through Elizabeth of Thuringia, a saint of the Catholic Church.

Hedwig - Means "fighter in war" and was the name of Hedwig of Andechs, an important saint in Germany.

Helene - Means "the radiant one" and was the name of Helene of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, a German princess.

Johanna - Means "God is gracious" and is known for Joan of Arc, who played an important role in history, even though she was not from Germany.

Are there any old German girls' names that appear frequently in literature?

Brunhilde - Known from the Nibelungen saga, stands for "the protector in battle".

Gretchen - Made famous by Goethe's "Faust", means "pearl" or "the noble woman".

Lorelei - Known from Heinrich Heine's poem "Die Lorelei", stands for a mythical rock in the Rhine.

Hildegard - Known from St. Hildegard of Bingen, an important mystic and writer.

Gudrun - A central figure in the Gudrunlied, a Middle High German heroic epic.

Kriemhild - A main character in the Saga of the Nibelungs, known for her strength and revenge.

Rosamunde - Known from the drama "Rosamunde" by Helmina von Chézy and the music of Franz Schubert.

Isolde - Known from the Tristan and Isolde saga, a symbol of tragic love.

Lotte - Known from Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther", stands for "the free one".

Wilhelmine - Often used in historical novels and stories about the German Empire.

Are there any old German girls' names that are back in fashion today?

Emma - "The complete one" or "The universal one"

Frieda - "The Peace"

Hanna - "The gracious one"

Johanna - "God is gracious"

Lina - "The tender" or "the gentle"

Marie - "The Beloved" or "The Bitter"

Martha - "The Mistress" or "The Housewife"

Paula - "The little one"

Sophie - "The wise one"

Victoria - "The Victorious"

These names are not only old German, but have also established themselves in modern naming and are very popular.

Which old German girls' names have a connection to nature or animals?

Adelheid - "Of a noble nature", often associated with closeness to nature.

Brunhilde - "The protector in battle", with "Brun" as the old word for bear.

Gisela - "Small spear", can also be interpreted as "hostage", which refers to nature.

Hildegard - "Protection in battle", with "Hild" as the old word for battle, often used in descriptions of nature.

Ida - "The working one", with reference to nature through work on the land.

Ingeborg - "Protection", with reference to nature through the protective function.

Isolde - "The beautiful one", often associated with nature in literature.

Lorelei - A mythical rock on the Rhine, associated with nature.

Rosamunde - "Glory and protection", with "rose" as a reference to nature.

Wanda - "The Wandalin", often interpreted as "wanderer", with reference to nature.

These names have either direct or indirect connections to nature or animals and are anchored in the history of German names.

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