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The most popular old German boy's names

In this article you will find a extensive list of Old German male baby names. It ranges from short Old German boy names over longer Old German boy names up to old German first names for boys with a modern twist and the most popular old German first names for boys of the last 100 years

Old German boys' names - a story from across the North Sea

Since their official announcement as a couple in 2016, Prince Harry (the younger son of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana) and Meghan Markle have been the talk of the town - both in England and beyond. Shaking up the conservative traditions of the monarchy in many ways, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have become hugely popular with both the media and the public over the years. 

When Prince Harry and Meghan Markle welcomed their newborn son in 2019, it was obviously world news. And shortly after his birth, the royal baby named Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor captivated an entire generation of parents and practically triggered a renaissance of boy names such as Arthur, Theodore and Henry in England. But it also sparked a renewed interest in old-fashioned German boy's names beyond the North Sea.

Short old German boys' names

In our modern world, vintage is all the rage. Whether for clothing, furniture or even male first names for babies - it is obvious that the appeal of older generations fascinates today's society. The reasons why parents choose a choose an old German boy's namerange from the sentimental value of family heritage to the timelessness of tradition and the fact that classic names are both easy to spell and pronounce. In the following list below are some short Old German boy names and their meanings.

Name Bedeutung
CarlFreier Mann
DirkHerrscher des Volkes
FritzFriedlicher Herrscher
HansGott ist gnädig
HugoVerstand, Intellekt
KurtKühner, weiser Ratgeber
OttoReichtum, Wohlstand

The above German boy names with only four to five letters all have their roots in old Germanic languages. But they have stood the test of time and now bring a touch of ancient charm to modern playgrounds.

Long old German boy names

These long old German boys' names, which may take a few milliseconds longer to write or pronounce, also date back to ancient times and are therefore full of history.

Name Bedeutung
AdalbertEdler Glänzender
BernhardStarker Bär
DietrichHerrscher des Volkes
EberhardStarker Eber
HeinrichHerrscher des Hauses
LeopoldKühner im Volk
LudwigBerühmter Krieger

Although the long old German boy's names have a dignified sound for somethey are definitely real perennial favorites that take you on a journey into the past with all their power.

Old German boys' names with a modern twist

Historical elements are nice, but how do you make sure your old German boy's name doesn't sound too outdated? For German parents facing this name choice dilemma, the following list of old-school classics with a modern twist or modern short forms could bring a breath of fresh air to their traditions.

  • Andreas - Andy
  • Benedict - Ben 
  • Felix 
  • Frederik - Freddy
  • Julian 
  • Leonard - Leo
  • Maximilian - Max
  • Nicolas - Niko
  • Sebastian - Basti
  • Vincent 

When a sense of tradition meets trend awareness, the old German boy names listed above are the creative result of this mixture. 

Most popular old German boy's names of the last 100 years

You don't have to be a history professor to know that Germany's past is rich and lengthy. Shaped by various forms of rule, cultural trends and significant historical events, Germany has undergone profound social, political and cultural development. These influences are also reflected in the following list of the most popular old German first names for boys over the last 100 years.

  • Alfred
  • August
  • St. Bernard
  • Eberhard
  • Emil
  • Erich
  • Felix
  • Fritz
  • Günter
  • Gerhard
  • Gustav
  • Hans
  • Heinrich
  • Hermann
  • Hugo
  • Johann
  • Charles
  • Conrad
  • Kurt
  • Ludwig
  • Max
  • Otmar
  • Otto
  • Reinhold
  • Richard
  • Rudolf
  • Walter
  • William

The most popular old German names have stood the test of time and today reflect the historical richness of German naming. They are therefore the perfect example of the English phrase 'old but gold'.

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Our top 100 old German boys' and men's names and their meanings

If you haven't liked any of our old German boys' and men's names yet, we have 100 more male German baby names and their meanings for you.

Name Bedeutung
AdalbaldEdler Kühner
AdalhardEdler Stark
AdalwinEdler Freund
AdelbertEdler Glänzender
AdelmarEdler Berühmter
AlaricAllmächtiger Herrscher
AlarichAllmächtiger Herrscher
AlbinDer Weiße
AlbrechtEdler Glanz
AlfonsBereit für den Kampf
AlwinEdler Freund
AnselmGott mit dem Helm
AnsgarGott mit dem Speer
ArwinFreund des Adlers
BastianDer Erhabene
BenediktusDer Gesegnete
BertholdGlänzender Herrscher
BurkhardStarker Schutz
ClemensDer Sanfte
DieterDer Krieger
DietmarBerühmter im Volk
EberwinFreund des Ebers
EckhardStarker Schwertkämpfer
EkkehardStarker Schwertkämpfer
EliasMein Gott ist Jahwe
ElmarBerühmter Edler
EngelbertGlänzender Engel
ErhardStarker Eber
ErwinFreund des Heeres
FelixDer Glückliche
FerdinandKühner Schutz
FranzDer Freie
FriedhelmFriedlicher Helm
FrowinDer Frohe
GernotKämpferischer Geist
GregorDer Wachsame
HartmutStarker Mut
HartwigStarker Kampf
HeinzHerrscher des Hauses
HelmutGesunder Mut
HenningHerrscher des Hauses
HildebertGlänzender Kämpfer
HubertGlänzender Verstand
HugoDer Intelligente
IngmarBerühmter Sohn
JuliusDer Jugendlich
KlemensDer Milde
KonradDer Kühne
LeonhardDer Stark mit dem Löwen
LotharBerühmter Krieger
ManfredMann des Friedens
MatthiasGeschenk Gottes
MilanDer Gütige
NikolaiSieg des Volkes
NorbertGlänzende Nordische
OswaldGottes Macht
RainerDer Berater
ReimarBerühmter Rat
RudolfRuhmreicher Wolf
SiegfriedSiegreicher Frieden
SigmundSiegreicher Schutz
TheobaldKühn im Volk
TheodorGeschenk Gottes
ThiloDer Volksherr
UlrichReicher Erbe
WaldemarBerühmter Herrscher
WalterHerrscher des Heeres
WernerSchützender Krieger
WilfriedFriedlicher Wille

Conclusion on Old German boy names

German history is long, and the list of Old German boy names is just as extensive. The classic sound, clear spelling, sentimental element and historical significance all contribute to the popularity of these timeless names.

So to summarize, old German boy names like Wein and Käse only get better with time. However, a modern twist never hurt anyone, and the same goes for naming your newborn son.

Frequently asked questions about old German boy names and male names

Here are some more answers to questions you might be interested in on this topic

Why are old German boy's names becoming increasingly popular again?

Old German boy's names are making a comeback because they embody tradition and consistency and can create a link to your own family history. Many parents are looking for timeless classics that can be found in every generation and strengthen family history connections.

What are the meanings of old German boys' names?

The meanings of Old German boys' names are often individual and range from "peace" and "powerful" (as in Friedrich) to "the free one" (Franz) and "the bold advisor" (Konrad). These names often have meanings associated with strength, nobility or protection.

Why are short forms and diminutive forms of Old German names particularly popular?

Parents often prefer short forms and diminutive forms of old German names when choosing a name, as they sound more modern and still create a link to tradition. These modified forms lend the names a necessary modernity when required.

Which old German boy's names are particularly popular?

Some popular old German boy names are Artur, Friedrich, Fritz, Johann, Karl, Konrad, Maximilian, Oskar and Wilhelm. These names are timeless classics that have been popular in Germany for many decades.

Are there any less common but beautiful old German boy names?

Yes, there are also lesser-known but still beautiful old German first names for boys such as Almar, Egino, Frido, Hilger, Ingomar and Wendelin. These names offer parents a unique opportunity to give their children an individual and historically inspired name.

Why are old German boy names timeless classics?

Old German boys' names are timeless classics that have been popular in Germany for many decades and have endured over the generations. They embody tradition and are able to establish a connection to one's own family history.

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