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The most popular Italian girls' names

In this article you will find a extensive list of Italian female baby names. It ranges from short Italian girls' names to longer Italian girl names up to old Italian first names for girls with a modern twist and the most popular Italian first names for girls of the last 100 years

Italian girl names - ciao bella

While enjoying the unmistakable theme song of the popular HBO series The White Lotuswhich has been blaring from every loudspeaker in recent years, Italy's largest island, Sicily, came back onto the radar of travelers - almost as if it had never been away.

While showing the immense beauty of the island and at the same time taking a satirical stance towards the rich and wealthy tourists visiting the island, there is another dolce thing that is never out of sight. After all, Italian girls' names, whether short or long or with a modern twist, are on everyone's lips - just like Nonna's tiramisu. 

Short Italian girls' names

Due to the mixture of Latin influences, gender differentiation rules, phonetic preferences and cultural traditions, it doesn't matter how many letters make up a Italian girl's name consists of - in most cases it still ends in -a. In the following list you will find some of these short Italian girls' names and their respective meanings.

Name Bedeutung
AnnaGnade oder Anmut
EliaMein Gott ist Jahwe
EmmaGanz oder universell
GinaDie Königin
LiaMüde oder erschöpft
MiaMeine oder die Geliebte
NinaKleines Mädchen oder Gnade
VeraWahr oder wahrhaftig

One thing's for sure: with the short Italian girls' names listed above, you'll spend less time pronouncing them and more time having a siesta. A win-win situation, right?

Long Italian girl names

Like many Italian dishes, Italian naming has a long history and is flavored with a pinch of tradition. Below are some long Italian girls' names that not only sound classic, but actually are.

Name Bedeutung
AlessandraDie Beschützerin der Menschheit
AngelicaEngelhaft oder Engelsgleich
CaterinaDie Reine oder Die Unberührte
FrancescaDie Freie oder Die Ausländerin (historisch; heute oft "die Französin")
GinevraDie Weiße oder Die Sanfte
GiovannaGott ist gnädig
IsabellaGott ist mein Schwur oder Gott ist mein Eid
LeonardaDie Starke wie ein Löwe
SerafinaDie Feurige oder Die Brennende (von "seraphim", einer Engelsordnung)
ValentinaDie Starke oder Die Kräftige

If these Italian girls' names don't make you want to enjoy a long dinner in a Tuscan garden with lots of tomatoes and olive oil, we don't know what will. Yes, we've ordered a portion of clichés.

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Italian girls' names with a modern twist

Traditional and trendy not on the Italian menu? You thought wrong! Just because Italian culture is rich in tradition and history doesn't mean there's no room for a modern twist at the table. The following list features some traditional Italian girls' names with a modern twist. 

  • Arianna
  • Bianca
  • Carmen
  • Elena
  • Gia
  • Livia
  • Mia
  • Nina
  • Raffaella
  • Viola

The classic Italian girls' names with a modern twist are like fine dining at its best and bring balance to every plate - and playground. Are you still reading or are you already eating?

Most popular Italian girls' names of the last 100 years

Between political upheavals, the growing popularity of social media, economic challenges and numerous fashion weeks, Italy has changed a lot in the last 100 years. These changes have undoubtedly had an impact on society and shaped the choice of baby names. In the following list you will find the most popular Italian girls' names of the last century.

  • Adriana
  • Alessandra
  • Anna
  • Aurora
  • Beatrice
  • Chiara
  • Elena
  • Francesca
  • Gabriella
  • Giulia
  • Isabella
  • Laura
  • Livia
  • Maria
  • Martina
  • Natalia
  • Rosa
  • Sabrina
  • Sofia
  • Valentina
  • Vittoria

Daily life in Italy may be leisurely and pleasant, but the country has been covered in a lot of hot sauce in recent years. Nevertheless, the fact remains that Italian girls' names are generally a mix of tradition and trends - like any good dish.

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Our top 100 Italian girls' and women's names with meaning for your name search

If you still haven't found what you're looking for among the Italian girls' and women's names we've listed so far, we've put together another list for you. 100 more examples of Italian female first names and their meanings listed.

Name Bedeutung
AdelinaDie Edle
AdrianaDie aus Adria stammende
AlessiaDie Beschützerin
AllegraDie Fröhliche
AmaliaDie Tüchtige
AngelaEngel, Bote
AntonellaDie Wertvolle
AriannaDie Heilige
AsiaSonnenaufgang (in Bezug auf den Kontinent)
BeatriceDie Glücksbringende
BiancaDie Weiße
BrunaDie Braune
CamillaDienerin der Tempelpriester
CarlaDie Freie
CarlottaKleine Frau
CarmenLied, Gesang
CaterinaDie Reine
ChiaraDie Helle, Die Klare
ClaraLeuchtend, Berühmt
ClaudiaDie Hinkende
CleaDie Berühmte
CosimaDie Geordnete
CristinaDie Christliche
DeboraDie Biene
DonatellaDie Geschenkte
EddaDie Kriegerin
EleonoraDas Licht, Die Strahlende
ElisaGott ist Fülle
ElviraDie Weiße
EricaDie Herrscherin
FabianaDie Bohnenzüchterin
FedericaDie Friedensbringerin
FilomenaDie Geliebte des Gesangs
FiorellaDas Blümchen
FlaviaDie Blonde
FlorianaDie Blühende
GabriellaGott ist meine Stärke
GaiaDie Fröhliche
GinevraDie Weiße, Die Sanfte
GiovannaGott ist gnädig
GiuliaDie Jugendliche
GloriaRuhm, Ehre
GraziaDie Anmutige
IlariaDie Heitere
IsabellaGott ist mein Schwur
IsideGöttin Isis (ägyptische Mythologie)
LauraLorbeer, Sieg
LeonardaDie Starke wie ein Löwe
LetiziaFreude, Fröhlichkeit
LidiaDie aus Lydien stammende
LilianaDie Lilie
LisaGott ist Fülle
LiviaDie Lebhafte
LorettaDie Krone aus Lorbeer
LuciaDie Leuchtende
LucreziaGewinn, Erfolg
LudovicaDie berühmte Kämpferin
MagdalenaDie aus Magdala stammende
ManuelaGott ist mit uns
MargheritaDie Perle
MariellaGott ist meine Eiche
MatildeDie mächtige Kämpferin
MelaniaDie Schwarze
MichelaWer ist wie Gott?
MilenaDie Gnadenvolle
MirellaDie Bewundernswerte
MonicaDie Mahnerin
NaomiDie Angenehme
NoemiDie Liebliche
OfeliaDie Helferin
OlgaDie Heilige
PaolaDie Kleine
PatriziaDie Adelige
PiaDie Fromme
RaffaellaGott heilt
RebeccaDie Fesselnde
RitaDie Perle
RosaDie Rose
RosaliaKleine Rose
SabrinaDie aus dem Fluss Severn stammende
SerafinaDie Feurige
SilviaWald, Wälderin
TizianaDie aus dem Sabinerland
ValentinaDie Starke
ValeriaDie Kräftige
ViolettaDas Veilchen
ViolaDie Violette
VirginiaDie Jungfräuliche
VittoriaDer Sieg
ZitaJunges Mädchen

Conclusion on Italian girl names

"Call Me by Your Name", anyone? Well, that's exactly what Italian parents did in the case of their little Bambina with names that are influenced by history, culture and tradition.

And if Italy continues to boom as it has done so far, attracting tourists from all over the world to experience their very own TV show moment, we will be at Lottili excited to see how Italian girls' names will gain even more international influence. Press play for a modern dolce vita.

Source reference: 

Frequently asked questions about Italian girl and woman names

Here are some more answers to questions you might be interested in on this topic

What are the most popular Italian girls' names?

Here are the 20 most popular female baby names in Italy in 2022 according to statistics from Statista

Sofia (5,400 newborns)

Aurora (4,800)

Giulia (4,600)

Ginevra (4,300)

Vittoria (4,200)

Emma (4,100)

Beatrice (4,000)

Giorgia (3,900)

Greta (3,800)

Noemi (3,700)

Bianca (3,600)

Matilde (3,500)

Ludovica (3,400)

Viola (3,300)

Eleonora (3,200)

Alice (3,100)

Stella (3,000)

Camilla (2,900)

Margherita (2,800)

Adele (2,700)

The statistics show that classic Italian names such as Sofia, Giulia and Vittoria are currently very popular, but modern names such as Aurora and Greta are also among the frontrunners. Overall, the list reflects the diversity and beauty of Italian girls' names.

What traditional Italian girls' names are there?

Traditional Italian girls' names often have religious or historical origins, such as Maria (from Christianity), Caterina (the pure one) or Elisabetta (God is my oath). These names have been used in Italy for centuries.

Which Italian girls' names are particularly rare?


Meaning: "flower

Fiorella is a rare Italian variant of Fiore, which means "flower". The name radiates delicacy, grace and naturalness.


Meaning: "heavenly"

Celeste is a rare name that means "heavenly" or "divine". It gives the girl a special aura.


Meaning: "the burning one, the fiery one"

Serafina is the Italian form of the biblical name Seraphine. It means "the burning one" or "the fiery one" and gives the girl passion and temperament.


Meaning: "gift/gift from God"

Teodora is the Italian variant of Theodora. The name was dedicated to numerous saints and martyrs and means "gift/gift of God".


Meaning: "of Titian"

Tiziana is the feminine form of Tiziano, the famous Italian Renaissance painter. The name is rather rare, but very elegant and artistic.


Meaning: "the little Roman woman"

Romina is a diminutive of Romana and means "little Roman". The name combines tradition with tenderness.

These rare Italian girls' names are not only melodious and melodious, but also have a deeper meaning that gives the girl something special. They are a good alternative to the usual names and give the child a unique character.

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