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The most popular French girls' names

In this article you will find a extensive list of French female baby names. It ranges from traditional French girls' names to more modern French girl names up to common French girl names and the most popular first names for girls in France over the last 100 years. 

French girl names - Lottili in Paris

With the fourth season of the famous TV show Emily in Paris Netflix is once again turning its (Eiffel Tower-approved) spotlight on a city that has never really disappeared from the limelight. Or a country, as the case may be. 

Shrouded in clichés about fashion, food and love affairs (hey, we love that), the series almost makes us forget other notable French elements. French girls' nameslike that of Emily's boss Sylvie Grateau, bring out the elegant woman in us that we've seen so often on our Pinterest boards. If only it were that simple. Vraiment ?

Traditional French girls' names

If elegance were a country, many would probably say it's France. Whether you agree or not, French girls' names simply have a special sophisticationthat few other names can match - especially the traditional ones. Here you can find a list of classic French girls' names and their meanings.

Name Bedeutung
AmélieArbeit oder Fleiß
CamilleGehilfe des Priesters
ChloéBlüte oder grünes Spross
ClaireHell oder klar
ÉliseGott ist mein Eid
IsabelleGott ist mein Eid
JulietteDem Jupiter geweiht oder jugendlich
MadeleineAus Magdala

French Girl Namesas well as French words in general, often come with a series of accentswhich can be difficult for foreigners to pronounce. For example, there is the accent aigu (é), which is pronounced like "ay", and the accent grave (è, à, ù), which sounds more like an "eh". Ahhhh, áhhh, àhhhh...

Modern French girls' names

Where there are many French delicacies, the word "innovation" is perhaps not exactly the one that many French people would like to let melt in their mouths. Of course, this statement is a bit of a stereotype, as there are indeed many contemporary influences in everyday French life. Take a look at the modern French girls' names below, for example.

Name Bedeutung
ChloéBlüte oder grünes Spross
InèsRein oder heilig
JadeEin Edelstein
LolaDie starke Frau
LounaDie Mondgöttin
MaëlysDie edle Frau

It's said that hope gives life, but this obviously also applies to the French girls' names Éva and Zoé. Perhaps some things are as simple as the choosing the right French girl's name (no pressure!)

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Common French Girl Names

In Germany you might have to dig really deep to find a good croissant, but in France it's usually much easier. Bakery on the corner? Check, croissant. Equally common and generally accepted are the French girls' names below.

Name Bedeutung
CharlotteFreie Frau
ClaraHell oder klar
JulietteDem Jupiter geweiht oder jugendlich
LéaLöwe oder Ermüdung
LouiseBerühmte Kämpferin
SarahPrinzessin oder edel

The only risk with one of these common French maiden names isthat when you pick up your coffee, you'll bump into a few other girls with the same name when the barista calls you. Oh well.

Most popular French baby girl names of the last 100 years

In a culture that values literature, history and religion as well as being open to modern trends, a lot has changed in France over the last 100 years - including when it comes to girls' names. Here's a list of the most popular French girls' names of the last 100 years and their meanings.The only risk with any of these common French girls' names isthat when you pick up your coffee, you'll bump into a few other girls with the same name when the barista calls you. Oh well.

Most popular French baby girl names of the last 100 years

In a culture that values literature, history and religion as well as being open to modern trends, a lot has changed in France over the last 100 years - including girls' names. Here's a list of the most popular French girls' names of the last 100 years and their meanings.

Name Bedeutung
AudreyEdle Stärke
BrigitteErhöht oder stark
CharlotteFreie Frau
ClaireHell oder klar
DominiqueDer Herr ist mein Herr
ÉlisabethGott ist mein Eid
ÉmilieRivalin oder ehrgeizig
ÉdithReiches Geschenk
IsabelleGott ist mein Eid
JeanneGott ist gnädig
LéaLöwe oder Ermüdung
MadeleineAus Magdala

Based on the above list of common French girl names it can be said that, like French cheese and wine, these names only get better with time. After all vintage is not a word with French origins for nothing.

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Our top 100 French girls' names

If you haven't liked any of our French boy names so far, we have 100 more French male baby names and their meanings for you.

Name Bedeutung
Adeledie Edle
Adelinedie Edle, die Vornehme
Adélaïdevon edlem Wesen
Albadas Morgenlicht
Alinedie Edle
Anaïsdie Begnadete
Bernadettekleine Bärenstarke
ChantalStein oder Fels
Charlènedie Freie
Clémencesanft, mild
CocoKurzform für verschiedene Namen
Coraliedie Koralle
Célestedie Himmlische
Célinevom Himmel kommend
Daphneder Lorbeerbaum
Delphineim Wasser geboren
Denisedie Fröhliche, die Starke
DianeGöttin der Jagd
Désiréedie Erwünschte
Estelleder Stern
Fabienneedel, kleine Bohne
Fabriceder Handwerker
Fleurdie Blume
Florencedie Blühende
GabrielleGott ist stark
Gaëlledie Großzügige
GisèleSpross edler Abkunft
GéraldineHerrscherin mit Speer
Honoréedie Geehrte
Ingridschöne Tochter des Krieges
Ivettedie Bogenschützin
Jacquelinevon Gott geschützt
Jasmineduftende Blüte
Jocelinedie Einzige, die Einzigartige
JoëlleJahwe ist Gott
Juliennedem Jupiter geweiht
Laurettedie Lorbeerbekränzte
Luciledie Strahlende, Lichtbringende
Léoniedie Löwin
Manondie Widerspenstige, Ungezähmte
Margauxdie Perle
Mariannedie Begnadete, Anmutige
Milènedie Liebe, Freundliche
Moniquedie Einsiedlerin, Einzigartige
Mélaniedie Dunkle, Schwarze
NathalieGeburt Christi
NicoletteSieg und Volk
NoëlleWeihnachten geborene
Odileererbter Besitz
Olympevom Berg Olymp stammend
Pascaleder Passahfest geborene
Pénélopetreue Frau
Sabinedas Sabiner Volk
Sabrinavon der Grenze
Sidonieaus Sidon
Stéphanieder Kranz, Krone
Sylvieaus dem Wald
Séraphinebrennend, leuchtend
Taniadas Feuervogelkind
Ursulekleine Bärin
Valentinestark, gesund
Valériestark, gesund
Victoireder Sieg
Violettelila Blume
Véroniquesie bringt den Sieg
ÉlianeStrahlend, glänzend
Élodiedie Reiche, die Vollkommene
ÉmilienneRivalin oder ehrgeizig

Conclusion on French girl names

Even if French wasn't your favorite subject at school (the pronunciation can be really challenging!), there's no denying that this language is simply beautiful - full of romance, style and history. It's also rich in feminine first names that instantly give wearers that holy trinity feel. 

But like any good TV series, life goes on and new seasons appear. That's why we are at Lottili curious to see which French girls' names will take to the stage in the near future.

Source reference:

Sources for the French name statistics for women's names can be found here:

Frequently asked questions about French girls' and women's names

Here are some more answers to questions you might be interested in on this topic

How do French girls' names differ from those in other countries?

French girls' names often differ in their origins, meanings and pronunciation. Many names have Latin or Old French roots and are characterized by special accents or diacritical marks such as the accent aigu (é) or accent grave (è).

Are there special rules for combining French girls' names with surnames?

In France, there are no fixed rules for combining girls' names with surnames, but care is often taken to ensure that the names sound harmonious together. It is also important to take cultural and family traditions into account.

Are there any famous French women after whom names are named?

 Yes, many French names are named after famous people, such as:

  • Jeanne (d'Arc) - The French national heroine.
  • Marie (Curie) - The Nobel Prize winner in physics and chemistry.
  • Brigitte (Bardot) - The famous actress and icon of French cinema.

Which old French girls' names are back in fashion?

Old French girls' names are currently making a comeback and are becoming increasingly popular. Here are some of the most notable names that are trending again:

Popular old French girls' names

Agathemeaning "the capable one".

Clémence: means "the gentle one".

Constancemeans "the steady one".

Héloisetranslated "the intact one".

Joséphinemeans "God adds".

Louisemeans "the famous fighter".

Magalistands for "the pearl".

Suzannemeans "the lily" or "the rose".

Victoiretranslated "victory".

Renéemeans "reborn" and is also a classic name that is becoming popular again.

These names often combine a nostalgic feel with a modern flair, making them attractive to many parents looking for unique and meaningful names. The return of such names reflects a general trend where classic and traditional first names are favored to stand out from the more common modern names

What is typical for Spanish girls' names?

Typical of Spanish girls' names are their cultural roots, often based on biblical figures, saints or historical personalities. Many names also have a connection to nature or positive qualities such as strength and grace.

Which French girls' names are particularly popular in Germany?

In Germany, French girls' names are still very popular and enjoy great popularity in the naming of newborns. Here are some of the most popular French girls' names that are frequently chosen in Germany:

Popular French girls' names in Germany

EmmaA timeless name that is very popular in both France and Germany.

LouiseThis name has a classic sound and is also widely used.

AliceLouise : An elegant name often associated with literary figures.

LinaA short and melodic name that is popular in many countries.

ChloéThis name has a fresh and modern sound.

JadeA beautiful name that refers to the gemstone.

Rose: A classic name associated with the flower.

LéaMeans "the lioness" and is a powerful name.

MilaA modern, popular name that also occurs in other cultures.

AmbreA rare but euphonious name meaning "amber "145.

These names are characterized by their elegance and the melodic sound of the French language, which makes them an attractive choice for many parents.

Are there any French girls' names that relate to nature?

Here are some French girls' names that relate to nature:

FleurMeaning "flower", Fleur is a classic name that symbolizes the beauty of nature.

Floraalso meaning "flower" or "blossom"; this name has a poetic note and is reminiscent of the Roman goddess of flowers.

Lunemeans "moon" and conveys a sense of mysticism and closeness to nature.

Marine: means "the one who comes from the sea" and is ideal for lovers of the water.

Rosaliederived from "rose", this name symbolizes the popular flower and its beauty.

Océanemeans "oceanic" and refers to the sea, creating a connection to nature.

Sylvie: means "the woman of the forest" or "the ruler of the forest", which shows a strong connection to nature.

These names are not only sonorous, but also carry meaningful connections to the natural world.

Which French girls' names are particularly elegant and classic?

Elegant and classic French girls' names are characterized by their melodic sound and timeless meaning. Here are some of the most beautiful names that are appreciated both in France and internationally:

Elegant and classic French girls' names

AdèleMeans "the noble one" and exudes a certain grace.

Amandine"The lovely one", a name with a gentle aura.

AnaïsMeans "the graced one" and has a charming sound.

Aurélie: "The golden one", a name that embodies elegance.

CélesteMeans "the heavenly one" and conveys an ethereal beauty.

ÉliseA short form of Elisabeth, meaning "God swears".

ÉlodieMeans "the perfect one" and has a melodic sound.

Fleur: "The flower", a short but very beautiful name.

Florence"The blooming one", radiates vitality and elegance.

GabrielleMeans "God is strong", a classic name with depth.

IsabelleA variant of Elizabeth, meaning "God revered".

MargauxMeans "the pearl" and is an elegant form of Margaret.

Suzanne: "The lily", a traditional name with timeless appeal.

These names are not only beautiful to listen to, but also carry meaningful backgrounds that make them special. They are ideal options for parents looking for a name that is both stylish and classic.

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