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The most popular French boys' names

In this article you will find a extensive list of French male baby names. It ranges from traditional French boy names to more modern French boy names up to common French boy names and the most popular first names for boys in France over the last 100 years. 

French boy names - Score!

With the World Cup just behind us, there was one player who never failed to turn heads. While some say it's because of his exceptional talent, which was evident from a young age, and others claim it's because of his undeniable charm, it's clear that French footballer Kylian Mbappé has become one of the most popular topics of conversation in households across the country.

However, the popularity went beyond the kitchen table, as Kylian's name also shot to the top of many French birth certificates. This trend reflects how celebrities can have an impact on name choices and trends across the country - not just in France, but in general. 

Traditional French boy names

And speaking of generalities, many traditional French boys' names have an unmistakable ring of elegance and sophistication. Generalization or not, compared to old German boys' names they definitely bring something different into play. In the following list, you'll find some traditional French boy names and their meanings.

Name Bedeutung
HenriHerrscher des Heims
JeanGott ist gnädig
PhilippeFreund der Pferde

Whether you're a friend of horses or not, with the traditional French boy names listed above you are guaranteed a classic hit. 

Modern French boy names

Of course, not everything in France is full of tradition and history. There are many modern French boy namesthat get things moving and add something contemporary. In the list below, you'll find some modern French boy names and their respective meanings.

Name Bedeutung
Axelder Vater des Friedens
Eliasder Herr ist mein Gott
GabrielGott ist meine Stärke
Julesder Jugendliche
Liamder entschlossene Beschützer
NoahRuhe, Trost
Nolander berühmte Gewinner
RaphaëlGott heilt
ThéoGeschenk Gottes

For parents who are having a a more modern variation of the otherwise classic French boy names one of the names from the list above could be a hit.

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Common French boy names

The "je ne sais quoi" may not be a good tactic in a sports game, but off the pitch it is definitely characteristic of French people. It is used to describe an indefinable quality or charm that makes something or someone attractive or special without being able to put it into words. That's exactly the feeling conveyed by these common French boy names below.

Name Bedeutung
AlexandreBeschützer der Menschheit
BenjaminSohn der rechten Hand
CharlesFreier Mann
EmilienEifriger, tätiger
FrançoisDer Freie
MatthieuGeschenk Gottes

Crucial to this French concept is probably the wide range of accents that can be found in the common French boy names mentioned above mentioned above. This accentuation is so pronounced that you not only find it difficult to put into words, but sometimes even struggle to pronounce the names correctly.

Most popular French boy names of the last 100 years

As the proud winner of two World Cup titles and two European Championships in the last 100 years, France has clearly stood out. Other notable aspects of the past century in France include the below are the most popular French boy names of the last 100 years.

Name Bedeutung
AndréDer Tapfere
ClaudeDer Hinkende
FrançoisDer Freie
JacquesDer Überlistende
JeanGott ist gnädig
LouisBerühmter Krieger
MichelWer ist wie Gott?
RobertRuhm und Glanz
ThomasDer Zwilling
VincentDer Sieger
WilliamDer entschlossene Beschützer

Soccer fan or not, one thing is clear: The above most popular French boy names have performed strongly over the last 100 years.

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Our top 100 French boy names

If you haven't liked any of our French boy names so far, we have 100 more French male baby names and their meanings for you.

Name Bedeutung
AdrienDer aus Adria stammende Mann
AdriennAus Adria stammend
AlaineDer Fels oder aus dem Volk der Alanen
AlphonseEdel und bereit
AmauryDer Tüchtige, der Tapfere
ArmandDer Krieger, der Mann im Heer
AurélienDer Goldene
BaptisteDer Täufer
BastienDer Mann aus Sebaste
BeauDer Schöne
BenoîtDer Gesegnete
BernardDer Bärenstarke
BertrandGlänzender Rabe
CédricHerrscher des Krieges
CharlesDer (freie) Mann
ClémentDer Sanfte, der Gnädige
DamienDer mächtige Mann
DidierDer Erwünschte, der Ersehnte
DorianGeschenkt von Gott
EdouardHüter seines Besitzes
ÉdouardWächter des Reichtums
EliottGeschenk der Sonne
EloisDer Auserwählte
ElouanDer Leuchtende
EmileDer Eifrige, der Nacheifernde
GabinDer Mann aus Sebaste
GaspardDer Schatzmeister
GauthierWächter des Geländes
GeorgesDer Landarbeiter, Bauer
GrégoireDer Wachsame
HervéDer Krieger, Heeresmann
HonoréDer Geehrte
HugoGeistig stark
IlyasGott ist mein Licht
JérémyErhöht von Gott
JulesDem Jupiter geweiht
JulienDem Jupiter geweiht
KylianKleiner Krieger
LéandreMann des Volkes
LéonardStark wie ein Löwe
Louis-PhilippeBerühmter Krieger und Freund der Pferde
MariusMann aus dem Geschlecht der Marier
MathisGeschenk Gottes
MathéoGeschenk Gottes
MaxenceDer Größte
MaximeDer Größte
MehdiFührer zur Wahrheit
NolanBerühmter Kämpfer
NicolasSieg des Volkes
OlivierOlivenbaum, Symbol des Friedens
OscarFreund der Elfen
OwenJunger Krieger
PaulKlein, bescheiden
QuentinDer Fünfte
RaphaëlGott heilt
SamuelGott hat gehört
SébastienEhrwürdig, respektabel
SimonEr hört
Simon-PierreEr hört den Felsen
ThibaultKühner Volkstribun
ThéoGott ist mein Licht
TitouanKlein und mutig
ValentinStark, gesund
YanisGott ist gnädig
YvanGott ist gnädig
ZacharieGott hat sich erinnert

Conclusion on French boy names

In the end, it's like in sports: no matter which name you choose, you're always on the winning side with a French boy's name. Full of elegance, tradition, the occasional accent and a modern touch - with French boys' names, you're spoilt for choice. 

And with the powerful strides of players like Kylian Mbappé and his colleagues, we're on the right track. Lottili excited, which French boys' names will conquer the name charts in the near future.

Source reference:

Sources for the French name statistics for male names can be found here:


Frequently asked questions about French boys' and men's names

Here are some more answers to questions you might be interested in on this topic

Do French boys' names have specific cultural or historical connections?

Many French names have strong historical or religious connections. Names like Louis are reminiscent of French kings, while Jean is strongly rooted in Christian tradition. These names often carry with them a certain cultural depth.

Are there differences between French boys' names in different regions of France?

Yes, there are regional differences in first names in France. In Brittany, for example, Celtic names such as Erwan or Gwenolé are common, while Occitan influences such as Ange or Baptiste are visible in the south of the country.

Are there unisex names in France that are suitable for boys?

Yes, there are some unisex names in France that can be used for both boys and girls:

  • Camille (used for both sexes in France)
  • Sasha (also used for boys)
  • Morgan (in France rather masculine, internationally often unisex)

Which boys' names are modern and popular in France?

Many boys' names are currently modern and popular in France. The following list includes some of the most popular names and their meanings:

Popular boy names in France

Gabriel - "God is my strength"

Léo - "The Lion"

Raphaël - "God heals"

Arthur - "The Bear"

Louis - "The famous fighter"

Lucas - "The shining one"

Adam - "The human being"

Jules - "The adolescent"

Hugo - "The intelligent one"

Maël - "The leader" or "the king"

These names reflect a trend towards short, sonorous first names that are popular both in France and internationally. It is particularly noticeable that names such as Gabriel and Léo have been at the top of the popularity scale for several years and regularly occupy the first places.

Which French boys' names have a biblical meaning?

In France, there are numerous boy's names with a biblical meaning. Here are some of the most popular:

Biblical boy names in France

Gabriel - "God is my strength"

Raphael - "God heals"

Matthieu (Matthias) - "Gift of God"

Jean - "God is gracious" (French form of Johannes)

Jacques - "May he protect" (French form of Jacob)

Thomas - "The twin"

Benjamin - "Son of the right hand"

Noé - "rest" or "comfort" (French form of Noah)

Émile - "The zealous" (derived from Emil, who appears in the Bible)

Joël - "Yahweh is God"

These names are not only popular in France, but also have a deeper cultural and religious meaning that makes them attractive to many parents.

What are some rare but elegant French boy names?

If you're looking for rare but elegant French boy names, here are some suggestions:

Rare, elegant French boy names

Gaspard - Treasurer

Amaury - Brave ruler

Célestin - Heavenly

Blaise - Lisp

Octave - The eighth

Alaric - The ruler of all

Thibault - The brave one

Gautier - The ruler of the army

Léandre - Man of the people

Sébastien - The Venerable

These names combine rarity with an elegant aura and have meaningful backgrounds.

What French double names for boys are there?

In France, double names for boys are an elegant choice that often combine tradition and modernity. Here are some examples of French double names for boys:

French double names for boys

Jean-Paul - A combination of Jean (God is gracious) and Paul (the little one).

Pierre-Louis - Pierre means "rock" and Louis stands for "famous fighter".

Louis-Marie - Louis means "famous fighter" and Marie (in this context) is often used as an honorific suffix.

François-Xavier - François means "Frenchman" and Xavier stands for "the new house".

Henri-Claude - Henri means "ruler of the home" and Claude means "the lame one".

These double names are not only sonorous, but also have meaningful backgrounds that make them particularly attractive.

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